Unable to accept the updated Paid Applications Schedule 2

I recently got this notice:

Review the updated Paid Applications Schedule.

In order to update your existing apps, create new in-app purchases, and submit new apps to the App Store, the user with the Legal role (Team Agent) must review and accept the Paid Applications Schedule (Schedule 2 to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement) in the Agreements, Tax, and Banking module.

Requirements to accept:

(1): User with Legal role = CHECK
(2): Must have already agreed to Apple Developer Program License Agreement = CHECK
(3): Go to Agreements, Tax, and Banking


When I go to the agreements, ta... all I see is a white/blank page with a centered grey square in the middle. Unable to move forward from here. I tried different browsers etc. and also added a support ticket for apple. However eager as I am to have my new App version released, I hope that some of you may know what is wrong or are experiencing something similar?

Add. info:

I am not a tech guy, but when I inspect the page on the 'blank page' I see these 3 errors. I am unsure if they are telling what is wrong:

- Uncaught TypeError: window.itc-base-container is not a constructor at jumpTo?page=contracts:59

- Uncaught ReferenceError: $j is not defined at jumpTo?page=contracts:91

- Uncaught ReferenceError: $j is not defined at jumpTo?page=contracts:267

I'm having the same problem.

We are having same issue

I'm having the same issue and I've tried pretty much everything from using a different browser to cleaning up cache etc. Nothing works. And this is not the first time this kind of bug happens.

I don't see a blank page, I can see the agreements I have already agreed upon but nothing new to agree to. Did anyone get this problem resolved?

I'm also having the same problem. I can see the agreements but nothing new to agree or submit. Stucked and can't release a new version of my app.

I'm also having the same issue. I hope they fix it soon.

We have the same Problem. Can´t update Apps. :-(

any Support from Apple?

Same problem, nothing to agree

iTunesConnect select Agreements, Tax and Banking and click blue 'Request' button.

Hi there,
Go to developer.apple.com -> select People (on the left hand pane) -> Look under Agent
Is the account you're signing into iTunesConnect with using the same email address as that of the person under Agent?
If not, use that email address to log in with, then proceed to the Agreements, Tax and Banking module. There should be a blue button that says Request and you can proceed to accept the agreement from there.

Best of luck!

Make sure you are the Account Owner and the mark the checkbox

I have read and agreed to the terms presented above.
Having the same issue :(

Same here! It just sits there. And I am unable to get into my Apps to make updates without this. In the browser console, there is a 404 error on the page. (This happens in Google Chrome and Safari on macOS)

[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () (tidbits-popover.angular.min.js.map, line 0)

[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 () (locales, line 0)
Same issue. Can't accept contract update. All I get is a white page with a loading indicator. After some minutes a 500 error is displayed on the console.

[] I have read and agreed to the terms presented above.

Check box only show "Account Holder" user! :)
(Users and Access)

Unable to accept the updated Paid Applications Schedule 2