App Store search of exact app and company name returns no results

Last week my company's app passed review and was added to the app store. The name of the app is OneDine, and the company's name is OneDine, LLC. However, searching for the app in the App Store produces very unexpected results. Here are the results for all the search terms I've used:

  • "onedine": This returns a few dozen completely unrelated results (possibly most popular apps). Despite the fact the the search term exactly matches the app and company name, my app is not in this list.
  • "one dine": This returns a different set of unrelated apps, many containing the word "dino". My app is still not in these search results.
  • "one dining": Now we're getting somewhere. My app is the last of almost two dozen results.
  • "o n e dine": This is where it gets weird. My app is the second of two apps returned, the first one being an ad.
  • "o.n.e.dine": Weirder still, this now returns my app as the only result.

What is going on with Apple's App Store search algorithm!? I understand that they might be filtering out common keywords and that they are searching through millions of apps, but an exact match on both app and company names -- which are unique -- gets ignored? That can't be right.

Apple, can this be fixed? Developers, have you encoutered this with your apps, and is there anything I can do with the app listing to remedy this if Apple declines to do anything about it?

Yes, store search has never quite been the dev's friend. There are several threads with the same complaint, some very recent. Not much to do, outright. Best to market the beans out of your app so it better competes in the store.

To bad "onedine" has very low search volume. But thats dope you got #1 for your app name, I searched for your app earlier today and cound'nt be found searching "onedine" what did you say in the bug report?

This has been a constant source of frustration, both for devs and users. I suspect apple is favoring apps with higher prices so they get a bigger cut. If so it's outright corruption and they need to be called out for it. Might be worth alerting the trade magazines to it so they can investigate and post a damning article that will make apple change its ways.

App Store search of exact app and company name returns no results