Email notification for new reviews

Hello everyone,

is it possible to get an email notification for every new review that comes in?

I like this feature a lot in the Google Play Store, because it allows us to make sure that we actually read every review.

This forum thread already helped us to set up email notifications for responses to our review-comments, but additionally to that we'd like to get a new email for each and every incoming review.

If there's no such setting or predefined feature: Have you got suggestions, how to make sure that we can read every review, but optimally don't read anything twice (like it would be the case if we just read the reviews from newest to oldest until we recognize ones we already read a day earlier)?

Kind regards

For those that like to read their reviews, try one of the 3rd party tools such as App Annie.

+1 for this feature

I know we can get push notifications from the App Store Connect app but not all of our customer service staff have access to an iPhone or iPad. There's already email notification for edits to existing reviews, so why not one also for new reviews?

And yes, there are 3rd party services like App Annie but we shouldn't need to expose our data just to get basic email notifications.

I know this is an old thread, but since I recently was looking for similar information, I thought I'd post what I found here.

You can grab the RSS feed for new reviews using this pattern:

Code Block<countryCode>/rss/customerreviews/id=<appId>/sortby=mostrecent/xml

Then you can either send it through IFTT to get an email or add it to you chat tool of choice.

I was also looking for a way to get notified of every new app review so that I could be sure to stay on top of my customer's feedback.

I tried out the RSS feeds pointed out by mattio but the downside with that is that you have to monitor all of the countries separately and there are well over a 100.

I ended up making a tool called AppReviewBot to make this process super simple. If your team wants to receive mobile app reviews as soon as they happen in Slack or Microsoft Teams, check it out!

In iTunes Connect, you can set the notification under Personal details(Profile Edit(up-right corner)) > Notifications > Developer response.

I would also like this feature. Google Play has it, so why not the App Store? It is very useful to be notified of reviews so you can spot any issues early. The alternative is to have to periodically go to App Store Connect and check the reviews on all your apps, which is not as good.


Apple, are you reading this post? This would be a useful feature! Please...

Any update on this feature? Please consider adding a webhook fields to send new reviews to Teams/Slack.

Any update on this Apple? How is this not a basic feature already?

Can't believe something as critical as this is not currently provided as functionality for iOS App Developers.

Looks like the App Connect app (released by Apple) offers notifications when reviews come in.

I went ahead and wrote a blog post on how to get notified in Slack when new App store review comes in. I am not sure why the "domain" is not allowed to be included on this forum, but if you'd like to find it, the article is on Medium with the title: iOS App Store Reviews — Email or Slack Notifications.


We would like to see this feature as well. Very useful to be on top of user reviews and address any concerns immediately.

You could use a app review monitoring tool like appfollow or allstarsbot. They will send new app reviews to Slack, so you will not miss any reviews.

Email notification for new reviews