We are implementing IN-App purchase with Auto Renewal subscription in the app. We have requirement to restrict IN-App purchase with Parental approval.
We have setup two Sandbox users one for parent and other for child. We have setup the Family group and enabled AskToBuy option for Child id.
We are using SwiftyStoreKit framework for in app purchase. And we have set the simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox = true for SKMutablePayment object
when i tap the Ask button in "Ask permission" alert, the update transaction method is getting called in SwiftyStoreKit framework and I am receiving the transaction state is Deferred.
During our testing in Sandbox environment we have observed an issue.
We have purchased a subscription with Child user id on confirmation we get the “Ask Permission” alert. We select the Ask option but observed an issue.
Issue 1: We are not getting the “Awaiting Approval..your request was sent and is waiting approval from a parent. They can also approve it in person on this device”.
Issue 2: Parent id is not receiving any notification/mail to accept or reject from the child request
We have checked the Apple documentation and forum and couldn’t find solution to this issue.
Appreciate support on resolving the issue.