No accounts with iTunes Connect access Xcode 9

When trying to upload an App to iTunes connect in Xcode 9 GM organizer I get the error

'No accounts with iTunes Connect access have been found for "<team name>". iTunes Connect access is required for App Store Distribution.'

However, uploading worked in Xcode 8, and it still works in the new Application Loader. I tried logging out and back in in Xcode.

helped me!!!!!

thank you a lot!!!

And a few weeks later it just all seems to be working again, just as well as it did before (I can now do appstore uploads direct from xcode8 again; no need to use ApplicationLoader).

I am seeing this with Xcode 9 as well. However Xcode 8 does not work. Nor does Application Loader (in either version).

The same issue today. In the Xcode I see the error: 'No iTunes Connect access for team' and via Application Loader I can't login.

I uploaded an ap 30 minutes ago and now I can't access using Organiser or using Application Loader. App Loader won't accept my Apple ID but logging in using Safari works so guess its an Apple problem

The same issue today.

Add another developer to the list. I'll post any solutions that I find.

Same here, can't even use the Application Loader and it's broken too.

Apple, please fix this ASAP!

Same here!

Xcode upload -> 'No iTunes Connect access for team'

Application Loader -> login broken

also seeing this for the first time today.. tried all previously suggested, except i am also unable to log into the application loader.

Same issue here, can't upload as both Application Loader and XCode 9 (9,1beta and 9.0 release) tell me I'm not on the team / sign-in not possible.

Login on the web to iTunes Connect works fine.

Same issue. I was able to upload a build in the morning (Swiss time), then it stopped.

Apple, help ASAP!

same issue with me

I also have this problem

We all share the same problem today. This needs to be fixed urgently.

Same here... 😠

i'm experiencing the same issue, since today at 12.30 pm CEST.

I have the same issue here. None of the suggested actions did help.

Same issue here as well. Worked fine yesterday. Tried everything possible, no luck.

same here, this is horrible timing, we are working on some critical stuff

Same Issues here. Shoot an Email to Apple, will copy the respond here later

Same here!

Horrible, I don't know what happened to apple?!

Apple's server problem! pls fix asap!

Developer system status is indicating iTunes Connect Service Problems

It works now!

No accounts with iTunes Connect access Xcode 9