UIDocumentBrowserViewController won't let me pick existing document

I'm following the process shown in WWDC 2017 session 229 and makde a UIDocumentBrowserViewController subclass. My app uses a document package and I've created the document type and exported the UTI. I can create a document from the UIDocumentBrowserViewController by clicking the plus button and I've verfied by cd'ing into the Simulator directories that the document is created properly (the directory is created and the files in the directory for the document are created correctly). But when I tap on existing document in the UIDocumentBrowserViewController, the documentBrowser(_ controller: UIDocumentBrowserViewController, didPickDocumentURLs documentURLs: [URL]) method is not called.

Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong?



I also get hangs in UIDocument.close if I open a new a document opened using the UIDocumentBrowswerViewController. It hangs with a call to __psynch_mutexwait from _pthread_mutex_lock_wait from the UIDocument.close call. Again, this is in the simulator. Either this is horribly broken or the documentation needs to be updated with extra steps to properly use it.

Just to continue following up. I've put iOS 11 beta 4 on my iPad and UIDocumentBrowswerViewController works there (for the most part - a couple times all my documents "disappear" but rebooting the device makes them re-appear). It still does not work in the simulator.

And with beta 5 still no luck in the simulator on Sierra (using HFS+), but on a Mac with High Sierra using APFS it does work in the simulator. I don't believe it worked in any of the other beta on High Sierra.

Hello Dave,

Is there any progress on the problem? Today I faced the same mistakes. It would be great if there is a solution.



UIDocumentBrowserViewController won't let me pick existing document