Transfer App - But not able to turn off Testflight Beta Testing

I need to transfer an app to my another iTunes Developer Account. I followed all the steps as mentioned in

According to above link, all eligibility criteria should be fulfilled before initiating a app transfer, but the point - "You must turn off TestFlight Beta Testing for the app that you want to transfer" is not met. So to fulfill it, I expired all the builds that are under beta testing, but still got no success.

Can anybody help me to get my "Tesflight Beta Testing OFF" ? So that the criteria can be met and i can transfer the app.

I have the same problem. I ask Apple Developer support team and they confirm that is a bug on their side.

They are working to correct the problem, but don't have any clue when they will be able to fix.

This bug already exists for several months, is Apple working on it or is it so difficult to be fixed?

Is there anyone out there who could solve this ridiculous bug?

This bug is still exist 2021!

Is no one who can could solve this ridiculous bug, because apple have no people working on. Looks like a ghost, apple became a ghost!

Facing this exact issue here in 2022. This is the second YEAR that i have to pay 2 developer accounts because seems impossible for me to transfer the app to the new organization. Lovely apple.

We have the same problem, AND WE ARE IN 2023 !!!

Remove your contact info from the Test Information page. Expire all builds. Remove your test users.

Transfer App - But not able to turn off Testflight Beta Testing