IOS APP is approved but IAP is still waiting for review

  1. Hello, as a new iOS developer, I am developing an Apple app with IAP (In-App Purchase) for the first time.
  2. During the initial app review submission, I included the IAP along with the app. However, after the app was rejected, the IAP status also showed as rejected. Following online advice, I resubmitted the IAP for review.
  3. After multiple revisions, my app has now been approved, but the IAP review is still in the "waiting for review" stage. As a result, my app is now live on the App Store, but users cannot see any products available for purchase within the app.
  4. This situation is quite awkward for me. I would like to ask what I should do now. Do I need to wait for the IAP review? How long does the IAP review process typically take?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

IOS APP is approved but IAP is still waiting for review