I am getting recurring errors running code on macOS 15.1 on arm that is using a volume mounted from a machine running macOS 14.7.1 on x86. The code I am running copies files to the remote volume and deletes files and directories on the remote volume. The files and directories it deletes are typically files it previously had copied.
The problem is that I get permission failures trying to delete certain directories.
After this happens, if I try to list the directory using Terminal on the 15.1 system, I get a strange error:
ls -lA TestVAppearances.app/Contents/runtime-arm/Contents
total 0
ls: fts_read: Permission denied
If I try to list the directory on the target (14.7.1) system, there is no error:
total 0
I am somewhat surprised that moving the application to a directory that is not and has never been displayed by Finder (before trying to delete the application) does not fix the problem.
There's an odd difference in the listing output that might explain the issue. The values for "runtime-arm" match:
drwxr-xr-x@ 1 alan staff 16384 Dec 8 09:37 runtime-arm
drwxr-xr-x@ 3 alan staff 102 Dec 8 09:37 runtime-arm
But the values for the contents of "runtime-arm" do NOT match:
drwxr-xr-x 1 alan staff 16384 Dec 12 11:34 Contents
drwxr-xr-x@ 2 alan staff 68 Dec 12 11:34 Contents
The "@" symbol above indicates that an extended attribute has been attached, so what does the command: " xattr -lx <path> "
return for the 4 objects above?
Kevin Elliott
DTS Engineer, CoreOS/Hardware