I am using the code provided on the website https://developer.apple.com/maps/sample-code/embedded-map/index.html, replacing it with my own MapKit JS Token. When accessing it using a network in mainland China, a 401 error occurs with the message [Initialization failed because the authorization token is invalid]. However, it works normally when using a network in Japan. Does this service not work in mainland China?
MapKit JS is not available for use within mainland China. The browser console shows a 401 error for the API.
You should open a bug report regarding the issue you're seeing here with not being able to access MapKit JS from mainland China, while you can from Japan. Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for my reference.
If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?
— Ed Ford, DTS Engineer
Hit the same issue. I think it's a problem with the MapKit APIs that failed to get response from local data provider (Amap in China).
Filed a ticket in Feedback. I would suggest you file another one to make the issue heared. https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/15544549
This problem also happens to me right now. Just wondering how long will it takes to fix? Thanks.
Same issue too, any updates?