




Intermittent MKLocalSearch.Request Failures with Amap Data Source
My app has been using MKLocalSearch.Request for keyword-based location searches, and it has worked smoothly for a long time. However, starting last Wednesday, I began receiving an error from MKLocalSearch.start: MKErrorDomain (error code 4). This issue only occurs when the network environment is based in mainland China (where the API uses the Amap data source). When the network switches to other regions and other Apple Maps data source is used, the error does not occur. Another complication is that the API doesn't always fail—certain keywords still work (for example, "Huawei"). Already filed a ticket in Feedback Assistant:
Oct ’24
Occasional crash on ``
Recently, I noticed many crashes reported daily for in my code. I tried to resolve the issue by refactoring some of the code. My key change is to use context.performAndWait to fetch Core Data objects instead of passing them around. I refactored the code to pass NSManagedObjectID around instead of NSManagedObject itself because NSManagedObjectID is thread-safe. However, even after the refactor, the issue is still. The crash log is attached as below. I'm confused that it doesn't crash on all devices so I have no clue to find the pattern of the crashes. I also enabled 1 on my local dev box, but seems the error cannot be caught. The new code (after I refactored) still causes the crash: private func update(movements: [InferredMovement], from visitOutObjectId: NSManagedObjectID, to visitInObjectId: NSManagedObjectID?) { let context = PersistenceController.shared.container.viewContext context.performAndWait { guard let visitOut = try? context.existingObject(with: visitOutObjectId) as? Visit else { return } var visitIn: Visit? if let visitInObjectId { visitIn = try? context.existingObject(with: visitInObjectId) as? Visit } visitOut.movementsOut.forEach { context.delete($0) } visitIn?.movementsIn.forEach { context.delete($0) } for inferred in movements { let movement = Movement(context: context) movement.type = inferred.type movement.interval = inferred.interval movement.visitFrom_ = visitOut movement.visitTo_ = visitIn } visitOut.objectWillChange.send() context.saveIfNeeded() } } Note, saveIfNeeded() is an extension function implemented as: extension NSManagedObjectContext { /// Only performs a save if there are changes to commit. @discardableResult public func saveIfNeeded() -> Error? { guard hasChanges else { return nil } do { try save() return nil } catch { defaultLogger.error("Core Data Error: Failed to save context") return error } } } Crash context
Jun ’24