Build for Breathegolf does not appear in the Test Flight though after distributed successfully from Xcode


we have distributed the build for "Breathegolf" app successfully from XCocde, but it did not appear in the Test Flight section of the "Breathegolf" app. We have also created an internal testing group for the app and added a tester in the group. In the Test flight section, the version 1.0.0 appeared for some times but after after refreshing, it showed "No Builds". Why this is happening? Please suggest a solution.

Breathegolf, App ID - 6720740834

We have distributed the build for "Breathegolf" app successfully from XCocde, but it did not appear in the Test Flight section of the "Breathegolf" app. We have also created an internal testing group for the app and added a tester in the group. In the Test flight section, the version 1.0.0 appeared for some times but after after refreshing, it showed "No Builds".

We have received a mail from Apple that "Action needed: The uploaded build for Breathegolf has one or more issues."

In the mail, under the heading: "ITMS-90078: Missing potentially required entitlement", apple said that in our app, library that's included in the app, uses Apple Push Notification service (APNs) registration APIs, but the APS Environment Entitlement isn't included in the app signature's entitlements. But there is no API or package is used for push notification.

The app is developed using flutter.

Packages we have used are:

cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2

google_fonts: ^5.1.0

font_awesome_flutter: ^10.7.0

http: ^1.1.0

date_time_picker: ^2.1.0

flutter_otp_text_field: ^1.1.0+2

accordion: ^2.6.0

shared_preferences: ^2.2.3

shimmer: ^3.0.0

fan_carousel_image_slider: ^1.0.1

loading_animation_widget: ^1.2.1

flutter_rating_bar: ^4.0.1

search_choices: ^2.2.7

flutter_pdfview: ^1.3.2

path_provider: ^2.1.3

file_picker: ^8.0.6

url_launcher: ^6.3.0

flutter_widget_from_html: ^0.14.11

cached_network_image: ^3.4.1

Can you please specify which API you found that is used for push notification?

Build for Breathegolf does not appear in the Test Flight though after distributed successfully from Xcode