No response from apple review team for 12 days

I submitted an app for review and it was rejected. We've been in discussion with the review team for over a month now, going back and forth providing contracts, legal agreements, proof of security measures, etc. 3 weeks ago the app was rejected again citing the same reason as the initial rejection (lack of proof of partnership agreements), which we have provided proof of. I replied asking the reviewer to scroll back in the history as this issue was already addressed by the previous reviewer. They once again said that we needed to provide it. I replied again with another message containing all of the proof we have submitted to date, responses from legal teams, compliance teams, from partners themselves, etc

I also opened an appeal with the apple review board, as this feature is identical to features in dozens of other apps listed in the store. And our partners confirmed everything was above board with what we are doing.

After a week of no response I replied to the review asking if its possible to get an update, as the team funding the development of the app are becoming irate with the delays. Its now been 12 days since our last response. Is there any other avenue I can use to try get an update?

Answered by App Review in 805450022

Thank you for your post. We're investigating and will contact you in App Store Connect to provide further assistance. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

Accepted Answer

Thank you for your post. We're investigating and will contact you in App Store Connect to provide further assistance. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

No response from apple review team for 12 days