Complying with the EU's Digital Services Act: Trader status

According to this Apple page, if you make any money from your apps in the EU you have to provide your email address, phone number and address, and they will be displayed on your App Store page for all and sundry to see, use, and likely, abuse.

I don't want anyone and everyone to know those details; they are private. I thought Apple was all about privacy? I understand they have to adhere to the DSA, but Apple hasn't raised a single objection to this.

Apple has consistently said that not sharing a user's email address with a developer is a part of being in the App Store, i.e. Spotify can't contact someone who downloaded their app; but a user can now contact the developer?

I barely make any money from my apps - not even enough to cover the annual developer program fee - but I keep developing to stay current. I cannot afford a PO Box or business address and phone number to shield me from this, so I'm likely to remove my apps from the EU market.

You might think I'm being overly-cautious, or having a knee-jerk reaction, but these are my personal, private details, and they should not be available publicly just because I barely clear £1.50 a month from my apps.

Danke Pfote, ich bin in der gleichen Situation. Ich entwickle auch nur, weil es mir Spass macht. Die Einnahmen decken die Entwicklergebühren nicht. Die Veröffentlichung meiner persönlichen Kontaktdaten, insbesondere meiner Privatadresse ist nicht konform mit dem Datenschutz. Ich vermute, dass Apple den Digital Service Act falsch interpretiert.

Complying with the EU's Digital Services Act: Trader status