My Developer Account Has Expired, No Option to Renew


My developer account has expired, and I can't renew it.

Despite checking on both my iPhone and Mac App Store, my subscription doesn't show up in the subscription list. The renew button is missing in the Developer app on both iPhone and Mac, and it’s also absent on the website: I’ve tried logging in and out multiple times on both devices. I’ve even contacted Apple Support, but haven’t received any response.

My apps are at risk of being removed from the store. I’m in the middle of an important project and can't even publish a TestFlight version. It's incredibly frustrating.

It's disappointing that such a large company like Apple could have such a glaring issue. Can anyone please suggest a way to fix this?

anybody to help?

Guys, it’s really frustrating.. apple support does not reply to my support requests via website. I’ve tried everything. Please anyone to help?

My Developer Account Has Expired, No Option to Renew