App Clips downtime?

We received complaints that our app clip is not available. We've checked everything, everywhere are green check marks. Yet it still doesn't work.

Do you have a downtime? Well sometimes this work but not on our phones.

This is the english version

what we have discovered is that it works using appclip default link from appstore. It doesn't work using any associated URL.

Wireshark analysis showed that iPhone comunicates with

  1. When using assiciated link: -> FAIL
  2. When using default App Clip link:, -> SUCCESS

I guess we have no possibility to influence which domain should the iPhone use

Here is an analysis by ChatGPT:

Based on the provided packet capture summaries, I can identify some key differences between the successful and unsuccessful connection attempts.

Successful Connection:

TCP Handshake: The three-way handshake (SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK) completes successfully.
QUIC Protocol: Successful QUIC handshake and protected payload exchanges.
TLS Handshake: Successful TLS handshake with Client Hello, Server Hello, and subsequent encrypted communication.
Data Transfer: Application data is exchanged after the handshake, indicating a successful connection and communication.

Unsuccessful Connection:

TCP Handshake: The three-way handshake (SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK) completes successfully, but there might be multiple attempts to establish a TCP connection.
QUIC Protocol: Multiple QUIC handshake attempts, with several protected payload packets exchanged but potentially indicating retries or failures in establishing a stable connection.
TLS Handshake: The TLS handshake with Client Hello and Server Hello is initiated but seems to have issues with the follow-up encrypted communication.
Potential Retransmissions: There are multiple retransmissions and repeated attempts, indicating instability or failure in maintaining the connection.

Another indicie - Czech peering provider

Confirm that your App Clip follows guidelines from Choosing the right functionality for your App Clip, then follow the instructions in Verify the configuration of your released App Clip to diagnose issues with your App Clip.

From Choosing the right functionality for your App Clip: To ensure a fast launch experience, App Clips must be small:

  • If you make your App Clip available on devices running iOS 15 and earlier, the uncompressed App Clip binary can be up to 10 MB in size.

  • If you make your App Clip available on devices running iOS 16 and later, the uncompressed App Clip binary can be up to 15 MB in size.

If you make your App Clip available on devices running iOS 17 and later, the uncompressed App Clip binary can be up to 50 MB in size if it meets the following conditions:

  • The App Clip only supports digital invocations — for example, from your website or Spotlight search — and not from physical invocations like App Clip Codes, QR codes, or NFC tags

  • People use your App Clip in situations where a reliable internet connection is likely, for example, at home

  • Your App Clip doesn’t support iOS versions prior to iOS 17

Aim to keep your App Clip well below the applicable limit. For more information, see Keep your App Clip small in size.

App Clips downtime?