'openAppWhenRun' property causing AppIntentsExtension to fail

I have added an "App Intents Extension" target to my main application in macOS. This generated the below two files:


import AppIntents

struct TWAppIntent: AppIntent {
    static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "TWAppIntentExtension"
    static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary {
        Summary("Get information on \(\.$TWType)")

    //launch app on running action
    static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = true
    // we can have multiple parameter of diff types
    @Parameter(title: "TWType")
     var TWType: String
  func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<String> & ProvidesDialog {
        return .result(value: TWType, dialog: "Logged break.")


import AppIntents

struct TWAppIntentExtension: AppIntentsExtension {

I m able to build the extension target and I my intent action is available in the shortcuts app. However, on launching a shortcut with the above created intent action. I m getting the below popups:

I have identified what is causing this error. Setting the openAppWhenRun to true is causing this error. I don't get this when it is set to false. This property is supposed to launch the application, but can someone help me understand why is it happening? This is only causing the error when using this property for AppIntent Extension and not for In app handling for the AppIntent.

Can we not launch our application from AppIntent extension?

Same issue. And everything just fine if move the AppIntent file from AppIntentsExtension target to main target

'openAppWhenRun' property causing AppIntentsExtension to fail