iTMS Transporter Servers | Bad Status received from server: 401

We run automated app uploads to Appstore Connect and TestFlight from our company servers, which are behind a firewall. Our firewall is configured to allow connections to the HTTPS servers listed in the Transporter User Guide

The problem is, Apple adds new servers (e.g to this list without prior announcements and this breaks our automated uploads because our firewalls are not yet updated with the new servers. Transporter logs report vague errors which are difficult to correlate with the new servers that were added. For example, the error msg is:

[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]             data: null
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]         }
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]         buildAssetSpi: class BuildRelationshipsBuildAssetDescription {
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]             links: class AlbumLocalizationRelationshipsAlbumLinks {
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]                 self:<redacted>/iris/v1/builds/<redacted>/relationships/buildAssetSpi
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]                 related:<redacted>/buildAssetSpi
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]             }
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]             data: null
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]         }
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]     }
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]     links: class ResourceLinks {
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]         self:<redacted>
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter]     }
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] }
[06:45:19]: [iTMSTransporter] [2024-03-11 06:45:17 GMT] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1
[06:45:19]: iTunes Transporter output above ^
[06:45:19]: <redacted>.ipa11966153618006795338-swinfo.plist (1) - Bad Status received from server: 401

The above error had nothing to do with authentication or incorrect tokens. We solved it by adding "" to our firewalls and retrying appstore connect upload.

I'm trying to figure out ways to solve this problem.

  1. Is there any way to subscribe to Apple notification emails/RSS feeds etc to get to know about new servers being added ahead of time ?
  2. Are the wildcard domains -
  • *
  • *

sufficient to cover any new server that Apple adds to the list mentioned in the Transporter Guide ?

iTMS Transporter Servers | Bad Status received from server: 401