My app not visible on App store.

I created a app titled "Tsundue" on app store. It was approved and was on apple app store. For first few day when i search the name it was easy to find. Then i was not able to find it , i contacted the apple help support but they assure me that the app was still in app store. I created more update and include many key words hoping it will work but to no avail. My friends in India say that they see it on App store, but here in US i can not. I can only find the app using develper name in search field but can not find it with the app name. Can anyone help me or give me guidance. Thanks in advance.

I'm seeing an app of that name by Tsewang Sonam. The search for the name is initially replaced by a different one, but if you tell it to search for Tsundue it is the second hit. This is in the U.S. store.

My app not visible on App store.