Unable to add for review (status 409)

Hi, I am desperate to get an update through. AppStore connects keeps printing the error "Unable to add for review"

There is no issue to fix. I have already contacted Apple but no response so far. Has someone had this issue and been able to resolve it?


Same here. Can't submit. Anyone else having this issue?

  • Yes I have the same issue, did you manage to resolve it?

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I get this error when I look at the inspector in the browser...

logLevel : "ERROR"
stackTrace: status code: 409 --- api correlation key: XXXXXXXXXXX

And this...

  "errors" : [ {
    "id" : "83553362-8832-4205-a45d-ecb87ffc25db",
    "status" : "403",
    "code" : "FORBIDDEN_ERROR",
    "title" : "The given operation is not allowed",
    "detail" : "The resource 'reviewSubmissionItems' does not allow 'GET_COLLECTION'. Allowed operations are: CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE"
  } ]

I get the same error. I got the app removed from sale due to screenshots not in compliance with the guidelines. After that I have not been able to add a new verion to review and get this generic error message. Have you been able to resolve the issue yet?

I suspect it has to do with the availability of the app.