Please Help!!!, REFUND Notifications V1

I received a refund notification for a consumable product, but the latest_receipt_info property does not exist in the unified_receipt property, or there are no transactions that match the original_transaction_id property value.

Are the original_transaction_id property values really refunded?

How can I check the cancelation_date_ms value and cancelation_reason value?

V2 Notifications cannot be changed. I'm constantly struggling because of this phenomenon. Please reply.

To better assist you, please file a ticket in Feedback Assistant and post the FB number here ( Please include the entire notification, time of receipt, and your apps information please.

The v1 REFUND notification latest_receipt_info only contains the latest 100 transactions for your app, which sometimes means that the original_transaction_id of the refunded transaction is not present in that list. If you wish to maintain a notifications approach, it is recommended you switch to v2 notification as v1 notifications are deprecated. If you are still using v1 notifications, you can use verifyReceipt or various endpoints in the App Store Server API to find the transaction information associated with the original_transaction_id you received in the notification. The Get Transaction Info endpoint and get Refund History endpoint would be very useful here.

Please Help!!!, REFUND Notifications V1