Publishing New app : An error has occurred. Please try again later.

Hi everyone, I'm new to app publishing in the app store. I'm trying to add an application in the App Store Connect,but at the very beginning when I click on create I get this error that appears at the top "An error has occurred. Please try again later." with no further details.

The name is correct, the language is correct, the batch ID is correct and the SKU is correct.

Have you seen this message before? And if so, can you give me some hints about resolutions I may have missed? Thank you very much.

Try again later.

App Store Connect has quite frequent temporary glitches like this. I just got one on a TestFlight page - "We can’t process your request. Try reloading the page. If the problem persists, contact us.". I'm sure it will go away in a few minutes.

Welcome to the forum.

What @endecop said (likely reason).

Plus, I just see your app has limited access. I've never published with such access, so it's just a guess. Have you checked you filled all that's needed in that case ?

hello, thank you very much, even with full access it doesn't work, and normally everything else is fine. The problem is that Apple doesn't really give any details about why it doesn't work.

Thank you very much for your feedback, my problem is solved.

The problem came from the fact that my boss had not read and accepted some new conditions from apple for another application but from the same account. And a tierece application that is not up to date in terms and contracts will prevent the creation of a new application.

Hopefully this helps someone in the future, thanks again for your feedback and have a great day.

Publishing New app : An error has occurred. Please try again later.