"no app store connect access for the team" error

I'm admin for the account , I can't upload any updates or new apps , every time I get the same error, tried removing and reading the account in Xcode, restart Xcode , restart my Mac, nothing seems to works, I do have latest xcode


Same issue described here (ignore the expired certificate drama, probably not linked with the connection issue)

Here a workaround:

  • create your ipa manually: Xcode/Archive/Organizer/Distribute/custom/App Store Connect/Export (Sign and export to the disk without uploading)
  • try to upload your ipa with Transporter
  • if Transporter fails, try with altool (Check the link for details)

If you still can’t upload your build with Xcode or Transporter, fill an additional bug report with feedback assistant.

Include mine in the description: Feedback FB13449680 "Xcode Can't upload a build to App Store Connect, No App Store Connect access for the team"

Nothing seems to work for , Transporter shows a different error "bundle id not found" , I'm trying to upload an update for app , so I'm sure its registered Altool also don't work , can't sign ,

made a bug report with feedback assistant and mentioned your case

Same issue for me last 2 weeks. Worked with apple help a few times, no solution. I even reinstalled XCode and tried manual provisioning etc.

What solved it for me was bizarre. I created a new developer account for the team, then added it to XCode, then it worked. Then my original account started working again!!!