The app references non-public symbols in Payload/

I am using xcode 15 and trying to upload an app to the App Store. It's been working fine but getting the below issue when uploading the build to appstore through xcode.

```The app references non-public symbols in Payload/ _ubidi_close, _ubidi_getDirection, _ubidi_getLength, _ubidi_getLevelAt, _ubidi_openSized, _ubidi_reorderVisual, _ubidi_setPara, _ubrk_clone, _ubrk_current, _ubrk_first, _ubrk_getRuleStatus, _ubrk_isBoundary, _ubrk_next, _uloc_getDefault, _uloc_toLanguageTag, _uscript_getScrip```

Any help will be appreciated.


Did you fix this issue I am currently facing same issue can you please help me how to fix this issue

The app references non-public symbols in Payload/