App is at 1% deployment, gets updated, what happens then?

Some confusion in my company on this scenario:

  • current users are on 1.0.0 - have been for months

  • Apple approves our latest build, say 1.1.0, and we release to the App Store with "Slow Rollout"

  • a few days later, one of the first 1% reports a serious bug

  • the dev team immediately fixes the bug, QA approves it, and we upload a new 1.1.1 release the same day

  • we ask Apple for expedited approval, and that happens in 3 hours

  • we select "Release 1.1.1 on Slow Rollout" on the App Store.

So what then?

My understanding is that once 1.1.1 is released, since 1.1.0 is the "Official Release", that anyone with auto update turned on will update quickly to 1.1.0, and that then some of those users will be put into the "1.1.1 slow roll out candidate pool)".

Others have opined that I'm wrong - that most users will stay at 1.0.0, and the new 1.1.1 candidate pool will be users on both 1.0.0 and 1.1.0.

Would love to hear someone reply who knows what Apple will really do.

Once 1.1.1 is released, how can 1.1.0 be the "Official Release" - doesn't 1.1.0 cease to exist (on the app store) the moment 1.1.1 is released?

Well, I didn't state ir correctly. I ask Apple to approve 1.1.1 and they do. I then click "Release with slow rollout". Then, before they do that, they push 1.1.0 to every device that isn't on it, only then start rolling out 1.1.1.

However, now I typed it all out - it does seem impossible. I guess I need to cut back on my drug use...

That said, so the moment 1.1.1 is released, I have lots of users on 1.0.0 and a few on 1.1.0. All users candidates for 1.1.1 slow rollout?

Don't overthink it. One cancels the other upon release, regardless of the release strategy and when the user device decides to take the update. So just release and forget.

The 1.1.0 was cancelled so no one can download it. So most people are now eligible for only 1.0.0 unless they are randomly selected for 1.1.1

Ideally, you probably want to make it immediately available to 1.1.0 customers while doing a slow rollout to 1.0.0 but I don’t believe there is any way to do that.

Another good option would be for it to prioritize 1.1.0 customers getting the update but I don’t believe this is how it works either unless it’s not truly random and the users that get it first always get it first on every release.

App is at 1% deployment, gets updated, what happens then?