Subscription rejected because they have to test implemention

Subscription rejected:

In order to approve your your new in-app purchase business model, we have to verify the purchasability of the items being sold. Please upload a new binary and make sure that your new in-app purchase products are available for purchase at the time of review.

I have already uploaded a new binary along with the subscription and the binary was approved, the subscription not.

Did they need the binary to be released to test the subscription? That makes obviously no sense because the new release would be available to all and the subscription is not.

So to make my question more clear:

Must I release the new binary I uploaded along the subscription, so the subscription can be tested? I choose the release the binary manually after it got accepted.

The situation is now: the binary got accepted, the subscription not. It makes no sense.

Did you manage to solve this question? How?

I have the same problem :( I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.

Subscription rejected because they have to test implemention