Lost access to my team account

I've been an admin on my team for at least five years but somehow over the weekend I seem to have lost access. When I log into App Store Connect I can see my account just fine as part of the team and it has admin status for all apps in the account. When I log into developer.apple.com I do not see that team.

Anyone have any ideas for what this may be? I tried a different browser, private window, etc.


As an update: this KEEPS happening. So far 3 times my manager had to remove my account from the apple portal and re invite me again.

Same here. And it can happen on the same day I'm re-invited to the Team. Lost it again ( was dev ), got promoted to admin, gained access again, and the later lost access as an admin.

I had the same issue and contacted Apple Developer support. I had to contact them by phone, because for e-mail support you would need to choose the correct team, which is also missing in the form. Support was able to help me, they fixed the issue in less than 15mins by "deleteing a server side cache".