"See More" button is not working in TestFlight

I've got a list of 258 testers on a list and I want to be able to expand the list and see more than just 5 of them in order to resend an invitation to a specific user, but the "See More" button is not working today.

I tried on Chrome and Safari but no joy, hence my post!

Same issue, and tested on the same browsers. I can see the list of users in the Connect app on my mobile device, but managing the list there is not workable.

I'm having the same issue, no tester lists are able to load additional pages of testers - standard and edit modes broken.

Same issue here.

We are having the same problem. Unable to click the "see more" button and manage invites of previous users. Tried on both Mac and PC on several browsers. Seems like they have a bug... hopefully they can fix. I saw another user say something about the connect app, I may try that.

I just wanted to add that there is a search field which can be used to locate users... I have found that it works... see picture

Can you please fix this? It's a real pain for managing user lists. I don't understand how the App Store Connect site has so many bugs in it. For a company which makes us jump through all these hoops in the review process you'd think Apple would apply some quality control to their own software.

"See More" button is not working in TestFlight