How to get full raw data of barcode using AVFoundation framework

I am creating a barcode reader using the AVfoundation framework for iOS and IPadOS. The read result goes into payloadstringvalue, but I want to check the control characters contained in the symbol, so I am using the raw data of the description, which is a property of NSObjectProtocol inherited by VNBarcodeObservation. However, I noticed that if the length set in the raw data exceeds 26, some of the raw data in the description is omitted. So my question is, is it possible to set it so that all the raw data in the description is written out without omitting any raw data? If so, could you please tell me how to set this up? Also, if you know of any other way to extract the raw barcode data, I would appreciate it if you could let me know. Thank you.

How to get full raw data of barcode using AVFoundation framework