App Intents: How to test intent donation using IntentDonationManager?


I'm trying to donate an Intent to iOS using IntentDonationManager, following the methods described in the documentaion.

try await IntentDonationManager.shared.donate(intent: MyIntent()) // succeeded

However, I'm not seeing any effect of this action anywhere in the system (iOS 17 and 16). I have debugged it on both the simulator and a physical device, and I have also enabled the "Display Recent Shortcuts" toggle in the developer settings, but I still don't see any relevant suggestions appearing.

Similarly, the issue also occurs with the old SiriKit framework, where INInteraction.donate(completion:) doesn't seem to have any observable effect. I recall that in iOS 15, the simulator would immediately present the donated Shortcut action on the lock screen and Spotlight page. However, starting from iOS 16 and continuing to the current iOS 17 beta 1/2, I haven't been able to achieve the same behavior using the same code.

Another similar report:

So is there any way to test or verify the results of this donation action?

Answered by Gong in 815314022


On iOS 18, AppShortcutProvider+AppIntent+IntentDonationManager can reliably make the system display the corresponding shortcuts in Spotlight. This works on both the simulator and real devices.

+1 I also am having issues with this

Same, here! Any news?

Accepted Answer


On iOS 18, AppShortcutProvider+AppIntent+IntentDonationManager can reliably make the system display the corresponding shortcuts in Spotlight. This works on both the simulator and real devices.

There is also an answer to this question from DTS Engineer here in another thread:

App Intents: How to test intent donation using IntentDonationManager?