Is Reality kit View, ModelView etc. available for mobile AR as well?

I would like to add 3D interactive UI, reality kit models, interactivity using touch gestures, etc on my AR app for mobile. how can I use Reality Kit view, model view, 3d swift ui, etc. on my moble AR app?

Accepted Reply

Hi, most of the new RealityKit/SwiftUI APIs introduced on visionOS are not yet available on iOS and macOS, and we are not able to discuss if/when those APIs will be available for those platforms. You can search the developer website documentation to see which new APIs are available on iOS and macOS.

  • Thank you for the reply. It's a no-brainer to have these on other platforms so developers can build continuity applications that are ARKit/RealityKit based. I know you cannot discuss it yet but, I am hoping it's on the horizon. Imagine people joining from their iPhone or Mac into the same experience. We can still build it but it is going to require a lot more development as of now.

  • Followup question: If we wanted to build a similar 3D UI experience for iOS with buttons etc, what framework can we use as of today?

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Hi, most of the new RealityKit/SwiftUI APIs introduced on visionOS are not yet available on iOS and macOS, and we are not able to discuss if/when those APIs will be available for those platforms. You can search the developer website documentation to see which new APIs are available on iOS and macOS.

  • Thank you for the reply. It's a no-brainer to have these on other platforms so developers can build continuity applications that are ARKit/RealityKit based. I know you cannot discuss it yet but, I am hoping it's on the horizon. Imagine people joining from their iPhone or Mac into the same experience. We can still build it but it is going to require a lot more development as of now.

  • Followup question: If we wanted to build a similar 3D UI experience for iOS with buttons etc, what framework can we use as of today?

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Buenas noches una pregunta abra algún manual o howto para programar en Swift ?