Testflight Beta Information Validation Wrong

Hello, I want to add an external test, but I encountered an error when creating the test information. The error message shows that the phone field needs to be filled with only numbers. The following is the error screen

This page has one or more errors.

Please make sure the contact phone number contains only numbers and try again. Cannot save name because there are other invalid fields. Cannot save last name because there are other invalid fields. Could not save email because there are other invalid fields.

Has anyone else encountered the same situation?


Answered by fibfab in 755974022

I had the same problem. Even if it says that only numbers may be entered, the country code must be specified with +.

I have the same error, it happens in any section that requires the phone number

Accepted Answer

I had the same problem. Even if it says that only numbers may be entered, the country code must be specified with +.


solo agregue + seguido del código del país y el numero telefónico sin el 0 el numero telefónico.

This is very poor UI.

No Numbers... oh, add a plus and it works. Also, why do they want the phone number? Is that not a bit invasive just for testing MY app?

Testflight Beta Information Validation Wrong