App Store Connect issues?

We’re seeing issues submitting builds to iOS and iPadOS TestFlight with: “Some of the information required to submit your build for external testing is missing.” No information is provided anywhere to explain what is supposedly missing. As far as I can see no information is missing. Our TestFlight information hasn’t changed since last week, when it was perfectly fine.

When I open Connect app on iPhone and tap the the iOS and iPadOS app, I see “Currently Unavailable App Store Connect is unavailable right now. Try again later.”

Curiously, I have successfully submitted our (separate App Store Connect entry) macOS app to TestFlight and can see it in Connect app.

Anyone else seeing this?

I have issues with access to my Xcode Cloud

Similar issue here. Also invite email is not sent to a new TestFlight tester in my case.

Same issue here. Build has a "Testing" green status on app store connect page, but for everyone in the internal testing group the app on the phone just gives the "Currently Unavalilable App Store Connect is unavailable right now. Try again later." error.

I found this bit in the docs: "Newly added users in App Store Connect may have to wait up to 24 hours to access App Store Connect for iPhone and iPad".

Could anyone confirm that this is really a timings issue and testers should just wait for 24 hours before being able to access the internal test?

Thank you for your report about submitting builds to TestFlight and accessing App Store Connect. We’d like to look further into this with you, but need more information including:

  • The app’s ID
  • Build number

It would also be helpful to receive .har logs (web archives), but these should not be posted or linked to publicly. If you’re able to provide them, please contact Apple Developer Support to send them to us securely.

Same issue, I can only add builds to the internal test group, when I try to add a build to the external test group, this message appears: "Some of the information required to submit your build for external testing is missing" I have reviewed the test information and it's complete, also tried to add comments in different languages for testing, and test information but same behavior.

Same here

I've been trying to submit a build for external TestFlight testing for the past 2 days and still getting "Some of the information required to submit your build for external testing is missing.". This is an app with earlier versions I've had submitted for external testing with no issues. Has anyone found a resolution for this?

Getting the same error "Some of the information required to submit your build for external testing is missing." when I try to add new or existing testers to a build under TestFlight. This has been happening for at least the last 2 days and I cannot proceed with any new builds for TestFlight due to the issue.

Same here. We've pushed this app out for external users as recently as last week but can no longer do it. Same error, no explanation.

Same here! Latest beta week ago went ok, and now this.. .

App Store Connect issues?