Cannot remove testing group from build/Groups auto adding to build


I would like to rollout our builds to a subset of our internal testers (the devs) before we roll it out to the rest (QA, product managers).

After submitting the compliance on a build, both of my internal testing groups are automatically added to the build. I thought I would get to choose which group at add myself.

To make matters worse, there doesn't appear to be any way to remove a testing group from a build, despite what the documentation says:

As you can see, my pointer is over the group, but no Delete button exists



Were you able to find a workaround for this ? I am also stuck with the same issue with no resolution.

Yes and no. I found a workaround which was to create a new testing group with the build distribution set to 'Manual for Xcode Builds'. My QA and Product team members are in that. Whenever a new build shows up in test flight, I have to manually make it available to that group, rather than it automatically doing so. I could only seem to do this when creating a new group though, not able to change this setting on a group after it has been created.

Cannot remove testing group from build/Groups auto adding to build