AppIntent Date parameter returns wrong value

I'm implementing an AppIntent of my macOS app (not iOS). It has a non-optional Date parameter like so:

    title: LocalizedStringResource(""),
    requestValueDialog: IntentDialog(LocalizedStringResource(""))
var date: Date


static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary {
  Summary("Remind me about \(\.$title) at \(\.$date)")

In the Shortcuts app it shows up fine and everything works if I actually enter a date in the summary.

If the parameter is empty when running the intent, the "requestValue" dialog pops up asking for a date with a date picker. However, the returned date is always 7 hours in the future. E.g. I enter a date with 11:00am, then it would return the same date but with 6:00pm. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in Shortcuts?

AppIntent Date parameter returns wrong value