I was hoping for a more reasonable answer, something constructive. Not unverified assumptions.
It appear that Apple Weather app does have a design patent for the search city menu. As this one was registered late 2021, I am trying to understand why Apple would fill such a design patent when they have an anti-copycat guideline. Aren’t apps design protected by copyright or trade dress ?
So, in the hope of a possible answer, I would ask it differently. Can someone release a weather app with the same design as the Apple Weather app ?
As a picture says much more, I add a screen of the 2 apps I mention in my first post. Try to guess which one is Apple one.
I’ll end by mentioning that there are plenty of weather apps in the App Store. All of them have different designs. So why one would simply copy the look and feel of another app ? Unless Apple and Luni have an agreement, I do not understand.