No gobo support for SpotLights in RealityKit

I want to add a gobo effect to a spotlight in RealityKit. I looked in all information, but I could not find support for it, while I saw that it is supported in SceneKit. However, I can not use SceneKit in combination with the RealityKit application I was already writing, and it would be a lot of effort to go back to SceneKit.

Is there a solution to or add gobo effects for spotlights in RealityKit, or use the combination of RealityKit and SceneKit in an AR application?


Is there a solution to or add gobo effects for spotlights in RealityKit

RealityKit does not have support for a "gobo", please file an enhancement request using Feedback Assistant.

or use the combination of RealityKit and SceneKit in an AR application?

RealityKit and SceneKit can certainly be used in the same app, but probably not in the way that you'd like to use them together. For example, if you were hoping to use RealityKit's anchoring system and integrations with ARKit, but then use SceneKit to render RealityKit's scene and provide a gobo spotlight, that is not possible.

I wanted to create an area light-source in RealityKit. This would be an option do so as RealityKit does not support area lights. Scenekit supports it, but did not get it operational and neither some other people looking at some posts on the internet.

No gobo support for SpotLights in RealityKit