Xcode Organiser is trying to download crashes from wrong account after transferring app

I transferred an app to a new developer account about 2 months ago. Since then, I am unable to view crashes through the Xcode Organiser.

It gives me the error title "Error downloading Crashes List" with message "An error occurred preventing Xcode from downloading crashes list. xxxxxx@xxxxxx failed with error: Access Restricted with bundle id: xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx

The account listed is the OLD account that owned the app. So it is trying to download crash reports from the old account and not the new account.

How can I let it know the account changed for this app? The project itself has been updated to use the new account certs and i've even submitted multiple builds to the new account.

Never mind. It seems Xcode had signed me out of my new dev account.

I have the same issue, but my account is logged in correctly, and I can download reports for all products but one.

More specifically, it says: Access Restricted with bundle id: com.company.app.quicklook. Or com.company.app.widgets. It indicates crashes or other information related to our QuickLook and Widgets extensions that block crash logs from downloading.

Did anyone face a similar issue?

Even am facing this issue. Do we have any update on this?

Same here. Accounts are correctly signed in.

Same issue here, can't download the crashes using Xcode 14.3

I ran into the same error in Xcode 14.3.1. I managed to at least download crashes for the main app by choosing either "All Apps" or "iOS App" instead of "All Products". It seems in my case the error is caused by attempting to download crashes for extensions.

What helped for me was in Xcode going to "Settings" > "Accounts" > "Click the associated account" > "Click Manage Certificates".

Once I did this, the crashes loaded properly again without crashes.

We too were experiencing this in Xcode 14.3.1 and we were able to resolve it by uploading a new Archive to TestFlight. After doing so, the crash reports then loaded as expected.

I have the same error, and after tried all way of the replies, still not working, when apple resolve this problem? And my Xcode is the latest Version 15.3 (15E204a)

Xcode Organiser is trying to download crashes from wrong account after transferring app