Subscription is still waiting-for-review while app update is deplyoed


A couple of days ago I've released my new iOS app version update including subscription(in-app-purchase). App is successfully updated and deployed on store but App Store Connect says subscription is still waiting-for-review, and users cannot subscribe our paid features. (API says it's an error; invalid product id)

On App Store Connect, it says "A subscription has been returned and is highlighted in the table below." in subscription section.

But there's no clue what am I supposed to do next to fix this. I even have received the E-Mail says app update and subscription is successfully reviewed.

I am so confused can anyone help me with this?

There was a notice on AppStore Connect welcome screen that there would be delays between Dec 23 and 27:

Holiday Schedule

The App Verification team will continue to accept submissions through the upcoming holidays. Please note that due to anticipated high volumes, verifications may take longer than expected between December 23 and 27. Please plan to get your urgent submissions in early.

Did you ever get resolution with this? My app approval email said that my app & subscription was approved but it still says "A subscription has been returned and is highlighted in the table below." And the subscription and localization show as "Waiting for review"

I tried to create a new version to submit but the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions section" does not show up in the new version.

My app has been "in review" for ~12hours and I'm getting "A subscription has been returned and is highlighted in the table below." on subscriptions.

Will post if this status changes

Also, now my subscriptions aren't working in my app:

/sdk/in-apps/apple/receipt/validate/ -- HTTPError.backend(POST /sdk/in-apps/apple/receipt/validate/, [2.2.2]: Adapty/Backend.Validator.swift#21, statusCode: 400, body: {"errors":[{"detail":"21002","status":"400","source":{"pointer":"/data"},"code":"APPLE_RECEIPT_VALIDATION_ERROR"}]}) 

Same issue here. Called Apple Support, and waiting for them to get back to me.

Same problem. App is approved within 24 hours. Subscriptions and App Store Localization show "Waiting for Review" ... since 5 days already. Could it be that I missed something on App Store Connect. A pain this procedure!

Subscription is still waiting-for-review while app update is deplyoed