App Store Connect Submissions

I have some questions about submitting apps for app store. Is this the best place to ask a question?

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I have some questions about submitting apps for app store. Is this the best place to ask a question?

It depends of the type of question.

If it is to understand the process, try to resolve an error, understand the reason of rejection, could be. And that's the right tags.

If it is about a specific submission to try to reach reviewers, that's not the place.

Try and ask your question.

First attempt to submit was rejected because it is a game to teach blackjack gameplay and it has “betting” to keep score as if you’re at blackjack table. It’s not a multiplayer game…no interaction with anyone. No purchases or actual betting. Just there to teach the game and give sense of how you might do at the tables if you apply the lessons learned. I’m assuming the concern relates to all the online gambling and fantasy-sports games. This is nothing like that. So what should I do?

App Store Connect Submissions