Testflight "Beta Has Expired" message when it has not expired

When trying to launch the app through testflight, i'm getting an error popup saying:

"MyAppName" Beta Has Expired

However, it literally says "Expires in 90 days" in testflight (i made this build yesterday). Only uninstalling the app and reinstalling through testflight fixes the issue. Restarting the phone does not work. This has happened multiple times with different builds and is starting to become an issue.

I suspect it might be related to us having many older builds that are expiring due to age, however I've double checked that only the latest non-expired build is the one installed on the device.

I also found this other (unsolved) forum post from 3 years ago which seems to describe the same problem. https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/117035

same problem

The same problem since yesterday, some team members are affected and unable to download the app from Test Flight.

Add one more here, entire team currently blocked as we're prepping for new releases.


Same Problem


This is an ill-timed issue that my team has also begun to face.. has any update from Apple been posted?


Same. Very ill-timed indeed.

We were able to distribute to "External Testers" but not "Internal Testers" so our workaround is to add team members to an External Testing group then distribute it to them.

Our app started experiencing this today with new version. We tried rebuilding the app, but no improvement. After update, it will open, but then next time attempt to open it says expired. We went back to a previous version and don't see the problem.

I’m seeing this error message on my iPhones today Testflight "Beta Has Expired" message when it has not expired. This happened only for me but not for my team

Same here. It's only for our physical devices since those are pulling the app in through TestFlight. Luckily it's not hitting our test environments so we can mostly operate. I'm getting around it by going to a previous build, and then updating to my newest target build. That'll work for a few hours, but then it reverts to being "expired."

Hopefully Apple will have some next steps.

Having the same issue

Temporary fix is to downgrade to an older build, then re-install the latest build. Rinse and repeat if the same error pops up again.

the same problem from yesterday. Workaround that works for me: 1) install older build, 2) don't launch it, 3) install latest - and it works.

Issue it likely due to an outage of the Developer ID Notary Service , see https://developer.apple.com/system-status/ and https://stackoverflow.com/a/74733026/4873972 . It works for me again though.

Same problem here :(

I have now the same problem. Can not install the app from TestFlight and even could not open the app.

Thanks for this thread. I'm not alone anymore :)

Since few weeks, we had the same issue:

  1. Building on CI. Code signing with Xcode could code signing.

  2. Upload it AppStore connect et distribute it.

  3. iPhone and Apple TV devices have the TestFlight apps with "automatic update" enabled.

  4. The build is installed in background on devices.

5- Launching the app on the SpringBoard tells "MyApp has expired".

Similar to other feedbacks here, but differently: 6. Open TestFlight App, go to "previous build". 7. Install a previous build. 8. Install the latest build. 9- Launching the app on the SpringBoard: This time, the app opens.

Without technical detail, it looks like the "automatic update" in background done not installed correctly the build and embed provisionning profiles.

Logs from iOS console: Springboard (FrontBoardServices): [APP_BUNDLE_ID - signature state: Profile Missing, reason: Provisioning Profile Not Found Springboard (Springboard): Attempted to launch an untrusted application scene sceneID:APP_BUNDLE_ID-default Springboard (UIKitCore): _willShowAlertController: <_SBAlertController: 0xdd0781200; title: "“APP_DISPLAY_NAME” Beta Has Expired">

As all shared here, manual reinstallation fixes the issue.

Manually reinstalling the build, the app can be launch as expected. Tested on iOS 16.1.2 and iPadOS 15.7.1

Apple testFlight engineer should have a look on this issue please :) http://openradar.appspot.com/radar?id=5536973938753536

Very similar issues here... It seems like sometimes I'm able to open up the app once or twice, but then it eventually throws me the App Expired message. Yesterday was slightly different, I couldn't even get the builds to install.


Same issue here. Any fixes or comments from apple?


We had same problem last week then fixed. I have been same issue today again. Has anyone been this problem today?

Testflight "Beta Has Expired" message when it has not expired