App crashes in review but not on Simulator nor TestFlight Installations on my devices

I have submitted an update to my current App and received the feedback from the app review, that the App could not be reviewed because it crashed on launch. I have since tried to replicate the crash and investigate the issue but I am unsuccessful as it is not happening when I run the app on the simulator or when I install and run it on my iPhone via TestFlight.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have attached the crash logs I received from the app review below.

Thanks in advance!

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Is your app crashing on TestFlight?

What do you do if your app is working just fine locally but crashing on TestFlight or the App Store.

Here’s a quick checklist you can go through to resolve the problem

Try building and testing the app in RELEASE mode locally. Check if third-party dependencies work with RELEASE mode. Check compiler optimizations in Xcode. Check for deprecated unused objects. Try disabling bit code if necessary. Try recompiling and archiving the app with the latest version of Xcode. Try resubmitting the app. Time to cry for help from Apple.

In my case where I developed my app with React Native, I realized that the environment variables were not being passed in the build. If you are developing with React Native, might help to look around that.

I have a hybrid app and facing the same issue. App works everywhere -> TestFlight & Simulator, both across iPhones and iPads. But Apple review keeps rejecting saying the content (webview doesn't load). The app loads fine, but the webview doesn't so they are seeing blank screen

I have the same problem and don't know how to fix it yet.

I set region to America and language set to english, the crash happened! Main.storyboard need to set localization "base".

App crashes in review but not on Simulator nor TestFlight Installations on my devices