iPhone 14 UWB regression ?

Hello everyone!

We are a small team developing third-party accessories using NXP and Qorvo chips.

Two of our teammates have bought the new iPhone 14 and it seems that we have no azimuth no more regarding UWB sessions. We have tested on the Qorvo NearbyInteraction app from the App Store.

By debugging on our own application, it seems we never have a valid direction vector.

Is anyone experiencing the same issue ? Did Apple made an iPhone 14 less efficient than the iPhone 13 on UWB ?



Dear Alexandre,

I have exactly the same problem with iphone 14 pro. Please inform me if you find any other information.

Best, Mohammad

After going a bit more in depth it seems that apple disabled the direction measurement for Iphone 14 family. You can check it by reading this function's return value:


I still don't know if it is a hw change or it is something in the sw that can be resolved.

I am having the same issue with iPhone 14 for some reason. I filed a bug report (FB11806564) and I also posted a similar question here before finding this thread.

Has anyone been able to resolve this issue?


Exactly the same issue here. If anyone can find any workaround or have information, please share.



Hi there,

Does anyone find any workaround of iPhone 14 family with UWB?


Hi there. Did you find any explanations? Because it seemed strange when Apple changed API for 16 iOS with checking of support and capabilities and then current iPhones where direction measure does not work.

I filed a DTS and the reply was that the direction is not supported in iPhone 14. For direction information the camera assistance feature needs to be used (backed by AR).

My guess is that it is not a bug. They chose to remove it.

Yep. I would agree with that. My suspicion is that they've gone for a single antenna solution instead of the 2 antennas that they used to derive the azimuth. I presume that they've chosen to do that to mitigate privacy issues associated with Airtag and similar products.

RA here with a contact in Qorvo. Can confirm what Henry said, the 14 only has one antenna in it. I was given some additional potential reasons as well:
Cost, difficulty implementing it (i.e. no room in the phone), and that placement wasn't ideal for AoA or PDoA.
Depending on how the user holds their iPhone, their water-filled hand could cover the antenna which was just above the apple logo on previous models.
From WWDC22 it looks like they want direction information to come from the camera using nearby interactions camera assist (which is dependent on ARKit).
I guess they figure it's unlikely for the camera to be covered.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
Good luck in your projects to everyone who stumbles upon this thread 🫶💛


Does anyone know if iPhone 12/13 models return both distance and direction solely on UWB? Could anyone please confirm? Thanks!

iPhone 14 UWB regression ?