macOS Shortcut stuck halfway

I'm trying to implement an app Shortcut (Custom Intent) for a macOS app on Monterey. finds the shortcut, but when I run it, the progress bar goes to 50% and stops. My handler and resolution code is not called. I'm implementing the handling in-app (not in an extension)

I'm following instructions from the WWDC 2021 video "Meet Shortcuts for macOS" and this link

If I filter on "shortcuts" in the Console app, and press the run button in for my Shortcut,

I see this message (amongst others) -[WFAction processParameterStates:withInput:skippingHiddenParameters:askForValuesIfNecessary:workQueue:completionHandler:]_block_invoke Action <WFHandleCustomIntentAction: 0x15c1305b0, identifier: finished processing parameter states. Values:

which looks sort of promising

but I also see this

Sandbox: Shortcuts(9856) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/stu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/-hghdaydxzeamopexvfsgfeuvsejw/Build/Products/Debug/.app

I've tried moving my app to /Applications and launching it from there, I see a similar message in the log, but the path leads to the app in /Applications.

I've tried deleting all copies of my app aside from the one I'm currently building and debugging. I've tried deleting the derived data folder, restarting the Mac, re-launching the Shortcuts app. I've tried sandboxing my app. Other Shortcuts (for other apps) work on this machine.

I'm probably missing something extremely simple - does anyone have a suggestion?

Some related questions: At WWDC 2022, Apple introduced "App Intents", without adequately explaining how these differ from the intents described in the WWDC 2021 video. Can anyone tell me what the difference is? In the Xcode editor for the .intentdefinition file, there's a button "Convert to App Intent". Clicking it produces some new Swift files in my app, but the thing is an intent handled by an app, and now it is an App Intent - what's the difference? Is one better than the other? Do I have to click the convert button again if I subsequently modify the .intentdefinition file, or is this conversion process intended to replace the .intentdefinition file with those .swift files?

answering my own post here.

It was something extremely simple - I hadn't actually implemented

- (nullable id)application:(NSApplication *)application handlerForIntent:(INIntent *)intent

in the app delegate. I had implemented something like it but spelled it wrong.

I still don't know how an "App Intent" differs from an intent in a .intentdefinition file.

macOS Shortcut stuck halfway