Release iOS app version requiring manual update rather than automatic

Is there a way to release a version of an iOS app that users' devices will not update to automatically? Ideally, I'd like to bypass the automatic updates and require them to visit the App Store to update manually. Has anyone been able to do this?

I'm afraid this is not possible.
This is a setting on the user's device, so it is not something that is under the Developer's control.

User can select not to update automatically for your app:


How to turn on or turn off automatic updates on your iPhone or iPad

  • Go to Settings.
  • Tap App Store.
  • Turn on or turn off App Updates.

But you can prevent them for having automatic update.

I don't know why you need it, but if it is to be sure they are aware of the new features, you could:

  • save the current app version in userDefaults
  • On app opening, check for the version.
  • If it is the same, do nothing
  • if it has changed, inform user of the new information, possibly propose them to go and visit AppStore
  • then update userDefaults.
Release iOS app version requiring manual update rather than automatic