Can't add build to external testers

Hello, today I can't add external testers, nor add build to actual external testers to use in testflight.

I think this happen with the change made yesterday in the website of Apple. (Yesterday it was impossible to upload build)

Is it same for you ?

Yes I have developers' rights.

I can't either, it's holding up important testing for my apps

Same issue here. Past 2 days can't get any beta release to external testers.

Appears to work in the Developer app but not the website.

Same here. The iOS "App Store Connect" app does allow assignment of external groups to a TestFlight build. But the App Store Connect website does not for some strange reason (it used to work).

Facing same issue since few days back, regardless of having lot of permissions allotted. It used to work earlier. I have access of Developer, App Manager, Customer support

  • Can't External testers
  • Can't Provide export compliance for apps

Not sure what else is missing from access level.

Currently, august 6th 2023 there is the same issue.

Cannot add external testers to my new build.

New uploaded builds have the status: Ready to Submit.

It adding the new build can be done in the App Store connect app, but when clicking Submit in the "What to test (Optional)" screen, I get an error message: "Connection Error", There was a problem connecting to the server. Some changes may not be saved.

I have similar problem, build added to user group, but the new build is not appearing in users' Test Flight app!

Please check your permissions. It's possible you don't have the privilege to perform this action.

I have the same issue. I could add the previous build to external group but cannot add the latest build!

I am having this issue for the first time today. I can add an old Build to External test but not the latest one. It is in Ready to Submit state.

Anyone found a solution for this?

This is still not working. Apple... really...

I had the same issue and I was able to solve it. When distributing it from XCode you cannot select "TestFlight Internal Only" but instead "App Store Connect". From the documentation from

  • "Builds uploaded as TestFlight Internal Only from Xcode or Xcode Cloud are indicated as internal under the build number. Builds with this indicator can only be added to internal tester groups."

For anyone else who get's this error, please only use the answer above (hello-world-ai)'s answer. I've linked directly to it below.

Can't add build to external testers