can't upload test flight app store connect

I've been trying couple of times but I'm stuck with "Unexpected Status Code" error when uploading testflight to app store connect via Xcode. system status is okay


Did you manage to upload since you posted? I experience the same issue with some other issues, when I manage to upload from xCode, I get later an email saying ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage, but after a through investigation, I couldn't find anything wrong.

Also when I tried to re-upload the same code that is already in stores with a different version number got the same problem.

Created a ticket for apple but no way to escalate or get a quick response yet.

When I try to access my app store connect i 'm presented with just a pure blank white page. I think something wrong with apple today because im experience the same issue. Can't even access to see my app review or any thing on that page.

Today upload works

can't upload test flight app store connect