Does anyone experience this before?
I am using an AVPlayer to present a video. The app has only one .mp4 but for a different use case, the same video needs to get flipped. Both videos (the normal and the flipped one) work fine on iOS 15.5 but the flipped video does not show the play and the 15 seconds forward/backward buttons in iOS 16 (see image attached).
The buttons are there and completely functional, you can press the play and the 15 seconds forward/backward buttons but they don't appear in the screen (4th video in the attached image)
The code the app is using to flip the video is as follows: (The code that flips the video is in the if block).
presenter.present(avPlayerController, animated: true, completion: {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
let avPlayer = self.dependency.avPlayerFactory(url)
if doFlip() {
let flippedLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: avPlayer as? AVPlayer)
let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1.0, y: 1.0)
flippedLayer.frame = (avPlayerController as UIViewController).view.frame
(avPlayerController as UIViewController).view.layer.addSublayer(flippedLayer)
avPlayerController.player = avPlayer as? AVPlayer