RealityKit why objects always created with started position my camera

When I create text with MeshResource.generateText this text always "watch" on started direction(the direction where was a phone when an app was run). How I can make text which always will be watched on my camera as it works in ARKit and SceneKit?

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly - do you want the text to be oriented in a way that it faces the user? You would have to update your text entity's transform accordingly such that the object "looks at" the camera. To achieve that, you can use the look(at:from:upVector:relativeTo:) method. You would call this on every frame with the current camera position to keep the entity "billboarded" with regard to the camera. This existing thread contains an example how to do that.

Keep in mind that for displaying text in AR experiences, it is sometimes a good alternative to not use 3D in the first place. Especially for longer text can be easier to read if it is displayed in 2D on top of your AR view instead. There are developers samples demonstrating such approaches using SpriteKit or UIKit.

RealityKit why objects always created with started position my camera