I appreciate your efforts to file feedbacks covering the issues you've found.
It's my rueful pleasure.
As mentioned previously, the Signing & Capabilities UI does not currently support the restricted entitlements for PCI and USB. If you enter the values manually into the entitlements file, the identifiers and provisioning profiles will be generated correctly. Is this not the case in your experience?
Correct - provisioning profiles with PCI and USB entitlements are not being generated correctly: FB10244398, FB10160793
And I received feedback that for PCI this was the intended behaviour.
USB transport supports a wildcard entitlement for development, (string value: *) which means that you can communicate with all USB devices from iPadOS during development.
So the problem with USB is that I'm being too specific? I'll try wildcards, thanks for the tip.
You can request a PCI entitlement, which will allow you to communicate with PCI devices.
Ouch - a review process just for local development? How long does that take?
So what can we actually do with "public for development" entitlements?